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From the President – November 2017

23 Nov 2017 15:56 | Anonymous member

We are now well and truly heading into the season and a number of members kicked things off with some great flying at Raywood over the Cup weekend. The focus on currency continues in our operations. Please ensure you know your own situation when coming out to fly and be aware of the rules. If you’re planning a summer of cross-country flying at Wangaratta, or one of the many competition weeks, you should already be getting time in the air under your belt.

Fleet news

Some exciting fleet news to kick off – VCS should be back at Bacchus Marsh by the time you read this after its repairs. And in very exciting news – the return of TNC is imminent. Melbourne GC is about to have the best Pawnee in the country, and I’m sure that our tuggies will be lining up to fly her. I’d like to thank Steve Coulton, our Tug Master, for the significant amount of work he has dedicated to this project. Keep an eye out for her next time you’re out at Bacchus.

Ground crew roster

As I mentioned last month, as part of our journey to increase participation in the club, the Committee has decided to introduce a ground crew roster to support the daily duty team. The first edition of the new ground crew roster is now live to kick off from the first weekend in December (see list published on the website). If you’re not a tow pilot, instructor or duty pilot, you’ll find your name on the roster to come out to the airfield on a few days throughout the year to assist with operations for the day. You’ll see we have two crew for the summer months (through to the Easter camp) and then one in the winter period. We want you to come out, help out, and be able to go for a flight as well. I know people have commitments that come up, so the same principle applies as with our tow pilots, instructors and duty pilots. If you can’t make a day, please find a member to swap with. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Wangaratta Christmas / New Year Camp

We are heading back to Wangaratta this year for the Club’s Christmas / New Year Camp. The official dates are Tuesday 26 December to Sunday 7 January. You can register now on the website.

Please consider how you can get involved if you aren’t and contact me any time if you have anything you'd like to discuss.

Safe thermals, Tighe

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