Defibrillator training at Bacchus Marsh at 10am 10 September
As you may know, we have an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) in the club house should it be needed around the workshops and the club rooms. So far it remains in pristine, unused condition, I'm pleased to say. However, if we did need to use it, say when we were operating from R01, it would take too long to retrieve it.
The Victorian Government has agreed to supply us with another defibrillator, on the condition that we are trained on its use, and that we look after it. St. John Ambulance will bring the new defibrillator out to BM at 10am on Saturday 10 September, and train members from all three gliding clubs on how to use it.
Also on display at the training will be the new Fire and Accident Response cart. It is a small trailer containing fire extinguishers, a first responders first aid kit, equipment for breaking into damaged planes, cutting webbing etc., and, of course, the new defibrillator. The FAR cart will be stored near the fire trailer.
The plan is for MGC to take out the FAR cart each operations day (no, not just in the fire danger season) and for GGC to return it at the end of operations.
Please make a point of attending the AED training on 10 September. After all, if you were the one who needed the defibrillator, you would hope that someone around you knew how to use it!!!!!
Mark White, Safety Officer
Many thanks to Mark White for organising the event.