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New payment service provider

26 Oct 2016 16:53 | Anonymous member

The club introduced the PayPal payment option a few years ago, to provide an alterntive method of payment for flying.  At the time the financial transaction fees from the service provider were deducted from the member payment, and the remaining funds credited to the members invoice.  The process for deducting the transaction fees was laborious and time consuming, it was also confusing to members as the invoice they thought they had paid was a few always dollars short, as a result of the service provider transaction fee.  When the PayPal processing workload was combined with the work that was required to straighten out the clubs accounts, it was decided to stop the process until a simpler solution could be found.

Recently a new service provider was identified that automatically processes the financial processing fee, at the time of payment.  As a result the club is in the process of changing over to the new provider, and plan to roll it out during Oct. - Nov.  The new service provider is called eway and is based in Australia, 

Once operational, members choosing  to pay via credit card or PayPal will have the financial processing fee added to their invoice total at the time of payment.  The service also simplifies the processing of credit card payments, compared to PayPal.

Details on how to pay can be found at the bottom of all invoices.If you have any queries please contact  accounts@vmfg.org.au


  • 20 Sep 2016 12:38 | Deleted user
    I am happy to pay direct to the club bank account or even pay in advance but I object to giving my money to credit card companies.

    Please make paying direct to VMFG bank easier. As GFA have done for their accounts.
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    • 27 Oct 2016 11:26 | Anonymous member
      At the moment membership joining and renewal is automatic, and can only be done using the credit card service. The automation saves a considerable amount of admin work.

      Feel free to design a process that will allow bank transfer we would be happy to help you implement it. Alternatively if your happy to manually process club memberships so we can enable bank transfer as a payment option lets us know, we would be happy to arrange the access etc. to do this.

      Kind regards
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