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  • 15 Sep 2016 09:51 | Anonymous member

    All multiday glider bookings are now visible in the club calendar, aircraft booking instructions can be found  here. Many thanks to Michael Aldridge who stepped up to look after glider bookings, Well done Michael.

     If you have any questions please contact Michael Aldridge who looks after multi-day aircraft bookings at michael.aldridge1@gmail.com or 0422 084 716

  • 05 Sep 2016 21:02 | Anonymous member

    The club has purchased a new hand pump for inflating glider tyres, and will be stored in the bus.

  • 01 Sep 2016 08:53 | Anonymous member

    Defibrillator training at Bacchus Marsh at 10am 10 September

    As you may know, we have an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) in the club house should it be needed around the workshops and the club rooms. So far it remains in pristine, unused condition, I'm pleased to say. However, if we did need to use it, say when we were operating from R01, it would take too long to retrieve it.

    The Victorian Government has agreed to supply us with another defibrillator, on the condition that we are trained on its use, and that we look after it. St. John Ambulance will bring the new defibrillator out to BM at 10am on Saturday 10 September, and train members from all three gliding clubs on how to use it.

    Also on display at the training will be the new Fire and Accident Response cart. It is a small trailer containing fire extinguishers, a first responders first aid kit, equipment for breaking into damaged planes, cutting webbing etc., and, of course, the new defibrillator. The FAR cart will be stored near the fire trailer.

    The plan is for MGC to take out the FAR cart each operations day (no, not just in the fire danger season) and for GGC to return it at the end of operations.

    Please make a point of attending the AED training on 10 September. After all, if you were the one who needed the defibrillator, you would hope that someone around you knew how to use it!!!!!

    Mark White, Safety Officer

    Many thanks to Mark White for organising the event.

  • 22 Aug 2016 09:17 | Anonymous member

    The webcam on the North hangar has been repaired and reinstalled, the birds seem to be  happy its back. 

    Webcam - South

    A new cam has been installed on the nth hangar looking west down 27 as a pilot, if we think it is worthwhile please let me know and we can leave it there.

    Webcam - West along 27

    The webcam that overlooked the front of the workshop hangar has been removed, as the constant unplugging and plugging of the power supply into the power point damaged the camera. 

     If you have any ideas on a new location for it please let me know Steve Trone.

  • 17 Aug 2016 15:22 | Anonymous member

    Thanks for August 2016 go to the following members:

    • Alan Payne for building rudder clamps for the DG tow-out gear.
    • Rick Gray and Richard Callinan for the Form 2 on VMF.
    • Steve Coulton and (former member) Brian Coulton for managing the BCK repair and transporting bits and pieces all over the state.
    • Allan Petersen and Tom Van Blaricum for solving the NDG undercarriage issue.

    The Committee, and all members, thank you for your contributions!

  • 16 Aug 2016 17:25 | Anonymous member

    On behalf of the Committee of the Melbourne Gliding Club, I am pleased to announce to you that the club has purchased a new bus to replace our existing pie cart.

    Thanks to John Parncutt, we were able to secure a new bus at a very reasonable price. John, along with Alan Payne, and others, will now lead the fit-out of the new bus to meet our needs. The bus is being delivered this Friday with work to start straight away.

    It is a timely purchase, as the old bus (having being our pie cart for 30+ years) becomes more difficult to operate, the hydraulics for the entry ramp fail, and rust begins to damage the structural integrity of the bus. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who have kept the current bus going in recent years. For example, Steve Trone has installed solar panels and new switches to keep the electronics going etc. Most of these improvements will be readily transferable to our new bus.

    To be involved in the fit-out of the new bus or to suggest ideas and user requirements, please contact John Parncutt (jparncut@bigpond.net.au) or Alan Payne (janusc@ozemail.com.au) directly.

    This represents a significant investment in the future of our club and every member of the club enjoys the benefits that having a pie cart brings. In order to fund this investment, the Committee has created the Melbourne Gliding Club Asset and Equipment Fund. To cover the cost of purchase and fit-out, all active flying members will make a contribution of $50 per annum over the next three years to raise the necessary funds. This will be payable at the time of membership renewal, and will apply for membership renewals effective 1 January 2017 for three years until 31 December 2019.

    On other matters, leadership from the three gliding clubs, along with the Australian Gliding Museum, VSA and GFA, met on 24 July to discuss the ongoing aerodrome issues and how we can work together more effectively to promote Bacchus Marsh as the pre-eminent gliding destination in Victoria.

    Significantly, the three clubs agreed to the creation of a 12-month trial Bacchus Marsh Gliding Club Development Fund to promote the combined gliding activities of the three clubs, particularly in the local community. Examples of how this funding will be spent is on donations of AEF glider flights for school raffles or trivia nights, replacing gliding club signage around the airfield (e.g. on the main road), attendance at local festivals and events. Each club will be donating $20 per active flying member to the Fund. For the MGC, we will be applying this $20 to invoices over the next few months (around November/December). At the end of 12 months (September 2017), the presidents of the three clubs will evaluate the effectiveness of the Fund and make a determination of whether to continue the Fund and under what conditions.  

    This represents a newfound spirit of cooperation between the three clubs and we encourage all gliding people at Bacchus Marsh to seek out how they can be involved in these activities. In advance, we thank you for your donation to this important project.

  • 09 Aug 2016 11:40 | Anonymous member

    The use of ground handling gear on the DG's has highlighted a situation where the rudder could be blown side wards and foul on the tow arm that connects the glider to a car, resulting in damage to the rudder that could easily ground the aircraft..

    Alan Payne has made a red rudder clamp that stops the rudder from fouling on the tow arm. Please ensure this is used when ever the tow out gear is used.

    Many thanks to Alan for making the clamp.

  • 09 Aug 2016 11:37 | Anonymous member

    An entrance light to the workshop hangar has been installed.  Anyone who has tried to open the work shop at night will know how much trouble it is trying to find the keys and unlock the door.  Many thanks to Steve

  • 09 Aug 2016 11:32 | Anonymous member

    Recently pilots have had difficulty retracting the undercarriage in NDG, The problem has been narrowed down to the size of the tyre, which has been replaced for another brand.

    NDG is expected to be back on line this weekend.

    Many thanks to Tom and Alan for their hard work.

  • 30 Jul 2016 08:07 | Anonymous member

    The Training Panels of GGC and VMFG have organised a series of presentations on gliding topics to be provided each week over the next eight weeks or so, for members of all clubs at Bacchus Marsh..

    In addition to the presentation, if conditions do not allow flying on the day, Roger Druce has offered to provide some practical training in daily inspection of gliders.

    The schedule for subsequent presentations is as follows:

    • Saturday 30th July. Airspace and Radio Procedures -presented by Mike Durrant,
    • Sunday 7th August: XCSOAR – by Jeff Farrow
    • Sunday 14th August: Analysing XC Performance See You – by Dave Meredith
    • Saturday 20th August: Gliding Weather and XC Tasks - by David Wilson
    • Saturday 27th August: Gliding Instruments and Devices – by Allan Payne
    • Saturday 3rd September: Thermalling - by Ailsa McMillan
    • Saturday 10th September: Flying Cross-Country – by Richard Traill
    • Saturday 17th September: Outlanding – by Paul Spooner.

    Start time is 9am for all. Any changes or additions to the schedule will be notified via email. Presenters will be asked to make their presentations available as resources for members on the club website wherever possible.

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